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Begin Your Business

Start your dream business today.

Let’s start your dream business *today*


Does pricing confuse you?

Not sure what LLC even stands for, never mind how to set one up?

And how do you get clients anyway?

Discover all of this and more in Begin Your Business!

Here’s What We’ll Cover

  • Module 1: What's Your Business?

    What do you want to do in business?

    What’s your offer?

    Business Name


  • Module 2: Get Legit

    Making your business legal.

    Sole proprietor vs. LLC.

    What’s an EIN and how to get one.

    Other legal things you need.


  • Module 3: How to Get Clients/Customers

    An overview of marketing.

    Free ways to announce your business.

    How to market your business.


I started my first business at 11 years-old with a flock of chickens and an awesome name. Since Megg’s Eggs, I established my first LLC, MegaBug Photography, when I was 18.

Because I was in college at the time, I didn’t have the money to pay for help getting my business up and running. I had to figure it all out myself.

That’s why I created Begin Your Business! To be the resource I wish I had when I was starting my business on a budget.

As Seen In

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you ready to start your business but don't know where to begin?

    This course will be your guide for nailing down what you want to do in business, making it legit, and getting your first clients/customers.

    While it is geared towards U.S.-based entrepreneurs, there are nuggets of wisdom for businesses based all over the world.

  • Upon registering for Begin Your Business you will be prompted to create an account.

    You'll use this information to login in to the course and access all materials.

  • FOREVER! Really! The course is at your own pace and you can finish it anytime.

  • Yes! The course page will automatically update to the latest version.

  • Nope! You can breeze through this course material in less than an hour.

    Of course, it may take you longer to complete the tasks associated with each lesson, but I pride on my courses getting to the point.

    I promise, they’re fluff free!

  • A business plan is a big undertaking.

    While this course covers certain components of a business plan, I recommend becoming a member of my Debug Your Business program or reaching out to a business advisor for help with writing a business plan.

  • Begin Your Business includes videos, worksheets, and links right on the course page.

    As long as you're comfortable logging into the course page, you should be able to navigate the course once you're in there!

  • This course is geared towards entrepreneurs who are just getting started, but if you haven't made your business legit or would like to build a stronger foundation for your business, this course will help.

    If you're super confident with the structure of your business check out Self-Employed School or my Debug Your Business membership.

Join the Facebook Group!

Self-Employed School students receive access to my Answer Archive Facebook group where you can ask me anything business and marketing related and get feedback from the group on your website, branding, marketing materials, and more.

It’s our small business support group!

Ready to start your dream business?

Ready to start your dream business?

Begin Your Business
One time

Start your dream business today.

✓ 3 video-based modules
✓ Access to the Answer Archive Facebook group
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
BUNDLE: Begin Your Business + Self-Employed School
One time

Start your dream business *and* work towards Self-Employment.

✓ Access to Begin Your Business + Self-Employed School
✓ $30 off
✓ Access to the Answer Archive Facebook group
✓ 1 year membership to Debug Your Business ($189 value)