Should My Profile Picture Be My Logo or a Picture of Me/My Product?


Not sure what to use for your profile picture?

The profile photo you use on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram should be consistent. And unlike a personal profile photo, it’s best not to change your business profile photo too often.

Why? Because you want to build brand recognition!

Brand recognition means that when someone sees your storefront sign, social media post, rack card, etc, they instantly know it’s your brand without having to see your business’ name. Think of the Starbucks mermaid and the Nike swoosh.

Why does this matter? It takes an average of seven times for someone to see you or hear about you before committing to purchasing your offer, so brand recognition makes a dent in that seven.

When it comes to choosing a profile photo, many businesses opt to use their logo. This is an excellent option, as your logo is also used on all your print marketing materials, website, etc.

But if you’re a solopreneur or the face of your business, I recommend using a professionally shot picture of yourself that reflects your brand colors. Make sure you’re looking right at the camera to build connection with your audience. (Looking away from the camera can make you seem aloof!)

If you handmake a product, you can opt for a professional product photo as your profile picture. Be sure to select a photo representative of your entire product line. For example, an apiary I photographed used a gorgeous photo of honeycomb with honey drips as their profile photo.


It’s best not to change your profile picture too often, as it’s always present next to every single post. Changing your profile photo - even to something similar - can lose some of the brand awareness you’ve already built.

Maintaining the same, on brand profile photo is the foundation of building brand awareness across all your social media platforms.

Next Steps

Discover how to brand your Instagram account.

To dive even deeper into branding (and social media, and website design, and e-newsletter marketing, and more!), click here to learn more about my Marketing 101 online course.

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