Two Comments, Two Opposing Viewpoints (You Can’t Please Everyone)


I’ve been posting tutorials to YouTube since 2019.

Most of the comments my videos received are kind, many thankful, while some are downright rude.

(I delete the rude ones.)

Over the weekend I received two comments with opposing viewpoints on how I record my videos. One comment was posted on a long-form tutorial, the other on a YouTube Short, a 60-second or less video.

First Comment

A screenshot of the comment received on one of the author's YouTube tutorial videos. The comment reads, "Very informative, however, many creatives have too much filler. Wish this was straight to the point so I didn't have to skip so much."

Normally I delete comments like this, but I ended up replying to it.

I strive to create tutorials that are to the point, but to reduce questions, I also try to be thorough.

This is why I add chapters to my tutorials, making it easy for advanced viewers to skip to the relevant part. Sometimes I’ll also create a YouTube Short of the same tutorial that’s even more to the point.

I noted the chapters in my reply to the commenter.

Second Comment

Within 24 hours I received the below comment complaining about the opposite problem:

A screenshot of the comment received on one of the author's YouTube Short videos. The comment reads, "Nice, but how is the result? You didn't show us." The screenshot also shows a pinned comment by the author that redirects to a full tutorial.

I immediately laughed when this comment came through. Especially since I linked to the full-length tutorial in a pinned comment.

In my reply to the commenter, I noted the full tutorial link and they ended up reviewing it and commenting on that video.

The Takeaway

Try as we may to be considerate, there’s no pleasing everyone. All we can do is our best, adjust to constructive criticism, laugh at the outlandish comments, and delete the rude ones.

Yes, you may delete the rude ones.

If you enjoyed this post, you can buy me a coffee or connect with me here. Thank you! =)


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Hey there! I'm Meg:


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